Code of Conduct Policy


1.1 The School of Theology (“SOT”) Code of Conduct (“Code”) serves to outline the principles you are to always observe as a student in SOT when carrying out your duties and responsibilities. The principles here do not purport to be exhaustive. You should draw from the principles found here in when determining the appropriateness of your actions and decisions. When in doubt, always approach any SOT staff.

1.2 For the purpose of this Code, “individuals” refer to the person(s) being helped or served by any City Harvest Church (“CHC”) ministry as well as pastors, church staff, church members and fellow students you may come in contact with, in the course of being an SOT student.


2.1 Students are expected at all times to:


2.2.1 Live and teach Christian values consistent with the Bible.

2.2.2 Live a godly Christian lifestyle, including but not limited to attending church services and cell group meetings.


2.3.1 Attend all required SOT classes, SOT-related activities and SOT ministry practicum which SOT requires you to go.

2.3.2 Be present and punctual for SOT events and carry out your designated duties and responsibilities in good faith to the best of your ability, in a responsible, safe and competent manner, with appropriate and respectful use of authority.

2.3.3 Dress appropriately for your duties.

2.3.4 Conduct yourself in a way that maintains trust and confidence, and upholds the reputation of SOT and CHC, its work, staff and members. Do not engage in any activity (including social media) that may create liability, bring SOT or CHC into disrepute or cause harm (i.e., physical, psychological or emotional) or distress to another person or property.

2.3.5 Before conducting any activity outside the usual scope of ministry practicum, please obtain consent from the Ministry Head. Where there are higher-risk activities involved (e.g., risk of injury or harm), the parent/guardian must provide their written consent for their child/ward’s participation in the planned activity.

2.3.6 Maintain confidentiality of all data and information obtained while completing your ministry practicum at all times whether during the ministry practicum period, following the conclusion of the ministry practicum period and even after you have ceased the course of your SOT study.

2.3.7 Not be under the influence of alcohol and non-prescription drugs while being in any SOT-related event.

2.3.8 Take responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of the School premises, which includes no consumption of food and beverages inside the classrooms (only plain drinking water and mints are allowed), as well as area cleaning duties in their Ministry Teams.

2.3.9 Not borrow money from fellow students and church members. Students with financial difficulties should speak to the SOT staff.


2.4.1 Maintain respectful and edifying interaction and communication with individuals.

2.4.2 Consider the feelings of individuals. Speak and act in a respectful manner. Do not use harsh words, vulgarities, personal attacks, threats, insults, and racially offensive remarks on any individual, or reprimand any individual in an aggressive manner. Avoid using language that may be deemed inappropriate, discriminatory, derogatory or offensive.

2.4.3 Always leave the final decision to the individuals when counselling or advising. Avoid exerting any pressure whatsoever on him/her to take your position or point of view against his/her own will.

2.4.4 Give all due consideration and regard to parental concerns regarding any CHC member under the legal age of majority who may be under your care.

2.4.5 Not to compel, persuade or in any way encourage persons under the legal age of majority to attend or participate in any church activities against the wishes of their parents/legal guardians.

2.4.6 Not coerce, compel or in any way exert pressure on any individual to give tithes, offerings or donations out of his/her voluntary freewill and choice.


2.5.1 Be an exemplary role model and safeguard the reputation, as well as the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being of individuals.

2.5.2 Endeavour to live an exemplary life in furthering your family, marriage, education and career.

2.5.3 Avoid immoral and illegal activities and habits, and keep yourself free from any semblance of moral or sexual impropriety, including but not limited to actions, social media posts, words or text messages that may result in the impression of sexual harassment or misconduct.


2.6.1 Be accountable to your pastors and spiritual leaders.

2.6.2 Please approach any pastor or pastoral staff immediately if you*

(1) become aware of any potential threat or harm to any individual,

(2) become aware of the commission of, or the intention of any person to commit an offence;

(3) become aware of any potential conflicts with SOT or CHC (e.g., due to your other commitments or roles in other organisations),

(4) observe any possible infringement of this Code, or

(5) observe any situation or interaction that you are uncomfortable with.

You shall make sure disclosure in good faith and where necessary, inform the person from whom you obtain the information of your so doing.

*CHC has a whistleblowing policy which you can read more about here:

2.6.3 Not use SOT or CHC’s property, resources, information or funds for unauthorised uses, or seek or accept any rewards, benefits or gifts without authorisation from Dean of Students or the Principal.

2.6.4 Not act as a spokesperson for SOT or CHC without authorisation from the Principal.

2.6.5 Not falsify or change any documents or records.

2.6.6 Cultivate good relationships socially with others and to seek to love others as you love yourself.


2.7.1 Respect personal boundaries by keeping an appropriate distance from other individuals and keeping communications to within appropriate hours.

2.7.2 Avoid being alone with an individual of the opposite gender in a secluded room or space.

2.7.3 When counselling someone of the opposite gender, please bring along another person of the same gender as the person being counselled, whenever possible.


2.8.1 Refer to CHC Communications Head ( and/or the Dean of Students all media queries and requests pertaining to SOT or CHC from any media agencies, including, but not limited to the broadcast, electronic, print and online media, wire services and mass circulation publications.

2.8.2 Not engage in any form of communication with the media, including writing reports for the media, accepting interviews and/or writing letters to the forum pages, in the capacity of a CHC volunteer, without prior discussion with the CHC Communications Head and/or your Ministry Head.


2.9.1 Always submit to the authority of the Government of Singapore and the laws of the Republic of Singapore. Abide the provisions of the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act (Cap 167A). In carrying out your service and ministry to others, be mindful to maintain racial and religious harmony and not provoke or in any way cause feelings of enmity, hatred, ill-will or hostility between different religious groups.

2.9.2 Not to carry out or in any way endorse or encourage any activities to promote a political cause, or a cause of any political party while, or under the guise of, propagating or practicing any religious belief.

2.9.3 Not to carry out or in any way endorse or encourage any subversive activities under the guise of propagating or practicing any religious belief.

2.9.4 Not to excite disaffection against or disloyalty to the President or the Government of Singapore while, or under the guise of, propagating or practising any religious belief.


2.10.1 Students acknowledge and understand that all obligations under Clause 2.10 of this Code shall apply at all times whether during the ministry practicum period, following the conclusion of the ministry practicum period and even after you have ceased ministry practicum with CHC.

2.10.2 Students are to respect and maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all individuals. Photographs and videos are considered personal data of the person photographed or filmed. Students should refrain from circulating personal data, photos or videos of individuals on any messaging platforms. Consent must be sought from the individual before their photograph or video is taken or posted on any personal social media or online platform (including website, blog or social media). Where the photographs contain vulnerable individuals (the elderly, minors or those unable to give valid consent), consent from their parent/guardian should be obtained before posting the photograph/video.

2.10.3 Students must not request for sensitive or confidential information such as NRIC, bank account details, one-time passwords (OTP) from other students, CHC’s beneficiaries, volunteers or staff. Such information is not necessary for students to carry out your duties and responsibilities during the ministry practicum. When in doubt, please approach any pastor or pastoral staff for further clarification and guidance.

2.10.4 Students must not disclose or share any user identities (IDs), passwords or access codes which you have been assigned in the course of your study with anyone. You should not use anyone else’s user IDs, passwords or access codes.

2.10.5 Students are to maintain in confidence, and to not disclose, disseminate, use, reproduce, transform, reduce in writing or store in any medium, any part of the Confidential Information.

2.10.6 If students are compelled to disclose any of the Confidential Information by law or any governmental or regulatory authority, you must notify CHC by email via within two (2) business days of such disclosure, unless such notification is prohibited by law. You agree to provide all particulars reasonably requested by CHC, and to disclose only that portion of the Confidential Information which is lawfully required.

2.10.7 You acknowledge and understand your obligations and CHC’s obligations pertaining to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”). You agree to, on or before collecting, using or disclosing personal data of any individual on behalf of CHC, inform the individual of the purposes thereof and obtain consent in writing from the individual. You agree to comply with all other obligations under the PDPA as applicable.

2.10.8 “Confidential Information” refers to any information of whatsoever nature and in whatsoever form, whether in writing or otherwise, that relates to CHC’s services, operations, affairs, management, property, assets, activities, including but not limited to (i) personal data, whether true or not, of beneficiaries, family members of beneficiaries, volunteers, members, staff and any other individual as defined by the PDPA, which includes but is not limited, to an individual’s full name, NRIC/FIN, passport number, photograph, video image, phone number, personal email address, thumbprint, signature, and any other information which can be used to identify an individual, (ii) technical information and intellectual property, including but not limited to patents, copyright, trade secrets, techniques, sketches, drawings, models, inventions, knowhow, processes, equipment, algorithms, software programs, software source documents, and information related to the current, future and proposed products and services of CHC, and (iii) any other information which is proprietary and confidential to CHC, including but not limited to plans and strategies, finances, financial and accounting data and information, purchasing data, future business plans.


3.1 Failure to abide by the SOT Code of Conduct by a student shall become grounds for appropriate and measured sanctions and/or disciplinary action up to and including probation, academic suspension or termination from a course of study. The severity of disciplinary action should be consistent with the severity of any breach of this Code, and students can access relevant appeal procedures.

3.2 The Dean of Students will determine appropriate disciplinary action for a breach of this Code by a student. If severe disciplinary action is recommended (e.g. termination from a course of study), the Principal will ratify this action before it is being implemented.

3.3 Students who are unwilling to abide by this Code of Conduct may be refused admission to a course of study at SOT.


4.1 All forms and records should be retained for archival purposes, or for a minimum of five years, whichever is longer. This is consistent with CHC’s document retention policy.