Copyright Policy


1.1 The policy outlines the School of Theology’s (SOT) position on the use of third-party and SOT-owned copyright materials, such as:

1.1.1 The proper use of copyright material in SOT,

1.1.2 Ensuring all students and staff are made aware of their obligations when using copyrighted materials in any format, whether by copying, reproducing, communicating, playing, recording (audio/video) or performing.


2.1 All SOT courses of study.


3.1 SOT seeks to ensure the proper use of copyrighted materials for all events and activities.

3.2 Types of Copyrighted Materials

3.2.1 Materials subject to copyright include, but are not limited to:

(1) Literary works and other works of text – this includes City Harvest Church’s Bible study guides;

(2) Dramatic and musical works;

(3) Images;

(4) Audio and audio-visual items;

(5) Published editions of works; and

(6) Computer programmes, software or code.

3.3 Plagiarism Policy

3.3.1 All SOT students are expected to conduct themselves with the highest level of academic integrity. SOT requires all students to be assessed for their own work. Thus, students are required to give proper acknowledgement of all original sources of work used in their assignments.

3.3.2 Disciplinary action will be taken for students found plagiarising.

3.3.3 Plagiarism is the act of taking and using the whole or part of another person’s work and presenting it as your own without proper acknowledgement. Please see Para 3.2.1 for examples of such work.

3.3.4 If a student knowingly allows the use of the whole or part of their own work to be presented by another student as their own, this student is also liable for abetting plagiarism.

3.4 No Audio & Video Recording

3.4.1 Students are not allowed to record (onsite and online) SOT lectures and other SOT-related activities on their personal electronic devices.

3.5 Other Do’s and Don’ts

3.5.1 Students are allowed to:

(1) Make reasonable copies of a work(s). By reasonable, this means no more than 10% of the total number of pages in a physical edition of the work;

(2) Make not more than 10% of the total number of bytes in an electronic edition of the work; or

(3) Make copies of not more then 1 chapter of the work (even if 1 chapter is more than 10% of the number of pages or bytes).

3.5.2 Students are not allowed to:

(1) Photocopy an entire book/work;

(2) Copy more than 10% of the total number of pages or more than 1 chapter, unless new copies are unavailable within a reasonable time at an ordinary price; or

(3) Copy more than 1 article from a given periodical, unless they relate to the same subject matter.


4.1 The Dean of Students is responsible for implementing this policy.


5.1 All forms and records should be retained for archival purposes, or for a minimum of five years, whichever is longer. This is consistent with CHC’s document retention policy.