Mission Statement

SOT is committed to offering theological and practical training courses of quality comparable to internationally recognised standards. SOT aims to equip students in doctrinal and practical aspects of church ministry. SOT seeks to educate, inspire, impact, and maximise the potential of every student.

Our Purpose

SOT is a full-time Bible college started in 1994 with the purpose of bringing its students into a deeper relationship with God, and empowering them with the scriptural knowledge and skills required for effective and anointed ministry in and outside the local church. SOT also trains potential pastors and missionaries to establish strong local churches in their own cities and nations.

This purpose is specifically spelled out in the Mission Statement of CHC: “To build a church with a strong spiritual atmosphere of faith and purity, where every member is released into ministry, discipled in the Great Commandment, to obey the Great Commission and the Cultural Mandate.”

Working through the Local Church

God is building strong churches all over the world to become the prime discipling and training centres of His kingdom. Through effective discipleship, you will learn how faithfulness and teamwork in a local church are vital prerequisites for revival to take place in a nation.

World Missions

Jesus said in the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19). At SOT, we desire to inspire and encourage you to be more involved in world missions. Students will get to participate in mission trips where they will work with local churches to conduct evangelistic outreaches, preach the gospel and get the lost saved.

Signs and Wonders

At SOT, you will be taught by anointed lecturers who move in the gifts of the Spirit and minister the life of the Spirit effectively.

Strong Prayer Life

A vital part of SOT is an emphasis on prayer. This subject is not only taught, but also practiced.

Being in an Environment of Faith

At SOT, you will be surrounded by people who walk by faith. You will learn how to overcome challenges in your personal life and ministry. You will soon realise that you, too, can have faith that will grow and bear much fruit!