Hear From Us

The early Reformers unequivocally agreed that “the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever” (Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q1). This is also the purpose and goal of the School of Theology. We exist to empower you to live a joyful and fruitful life that glorifies God.

There are three things about us.

Firstly, SOT is centred on CHRIST. We want to inspire you to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, to become like Him, and to do the works He does (2 Cor 3:18; Rom 8:29; Jn 14:12). This is more important than all the worldly successes you can ever achieve in your life, career, or ministry. To grow in Christlikeness, you must learn to cultivate the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). To be effective like Christ, you must learn to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:7-11). Here at SOT, we hope to impart to you the necessary spiritual values and disciplines needed for this to become your daily reality.

Secondly, SOT is centred on DOCTRINE. The Early Church had revival when they “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine” (Acts 2:42). Paul told a young Timothy that he must guard the gospel faithfully, spread it actively, and suffer for it bravely (2 Tim 1). Jude, the brother of our Lord, says that we must earnestly contend for the faith—the body of truth concerning Jesus Christ and His teachings—which has been entrusted to us (Jude 3). In a postmodern age where there are no fixed moral absolutes, it is even more important for us to know what we believe and why we believe. Here in SOT, we are first Protestants, then Evangelicals, then Pentecostals, and in this particular order. We are Trinitarian in our focus. You will be equipped in the sound doctrine of God’s Word, taught by proven fivefold ministers, so that you can grow up in Christ and not be easily shaken by the myriad of false voices in the world (Eph 4:11-16). Growing in grace and knowing God will set you free and make you an effective worker of His kingdom (Jn 8:32; 2 Pet 3:18).

Thirdly, SOT is centred on TRANSFORMATION. God wants to transform individuals and churches, and through them, bring His light into the world. For this to happen, however, God always first finds a person whom He can touch and transform by the power of His Spirit (cf. 2 Chr 16:9; Acts 1:8). This is the heartbeat of SOT. We believe that during your time at SOT, God will so transform you, that you will be anointed to become a carrier of His revival. You will be inspired to fulfill the Great Commandment, Great Commission, and the Cultural Mandate, wherever you go!

These are the three reasons you should pray and consider enrolling into our training programmes. SOT is centred on Christ, doctrine, and transformation. Let your life be set ablaze by the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God!

Please sign up today!

Yours for revival, for His glory,

Rev Kong Hee and Rev Sun Ho
City Harvest School of Theology

In 1994, God spoke to Pastor Kong Hee to build Him a Bible school dedicated to training and raising pastors and leaders, thereby strengthening local churches all throughout Asia and other parts of the world. City Harvest School of Theology (SOT) was started in our humble church office located in a shophouse at Mackenzie Road. Despite all odds, we persevered, trusting in God’s faithfulness and His Word that never returns to Him void. The vision of SOT became a reality and is still growing by the grace of God.

The School of Theology offers a range of programs including the Diploma of Ministry, Associate Degree in Ministry, Bachelor of Theology, and Master of Arts. These programs are designed for both full-time church workers seeking a robust doctrinal foundation, spiritual values, and effective ministry skills, as well as laypersons interested in deepening their knowledge and experience of God and manifesting God’s glory through their vocations in society. To date, we have graduated more than 8,200 students from 41 different nations. Hailing from all walks of life—students, entrepreneurs, pastors, professionals, church planters—SOT students and alumni are trained and equipped to fulfil the Great Commandment, Great Commission and Cultural Mandate in their lives, careers, ministries and churches!

What an adventurous journey it has been in the Lord—one that continues as we seek to accomplish His will. Our desire is to see not just more workers being sent out to fulfil God’s purposes, but trained workers, deployed to be carriers of God’s Spirit wherever they go. Our graduates carry the mission to build strong local churches all over the globe; bringing revival and making a positive difference in every city. Those in the marketplace endeavour to shine the light and love of Jesus, impacting their communities wherever they are planted

My prayer for you as you make this life-changing decision to set aside time to embark on any of our courses, is that God will do a wonderful work in you, and your life will be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Yours for revival,
Rev Dr Bobby Chaw
School of Theology