School Fees Policy


1.1 The policy outlines the procedures related to setting of school fees for School of Theology (SOT) students.


2.1 All SOT courses of study.


3.1 SOT conducts an annual review of school fees. All fees are stated in Singapore dollars (unless otherwise stated).

3.2 School fees for the Advanced Certificate of Theology can be paid in full or partially over the course of study. School fees for all offshore courses are payable in full, in advance.

3.3 In the event SOT ceases to provide a course of study in which a student is enrolled, the student is entitled to a full refund of all upfront payments made to SOT.

4. Procedures

4.1 School fees for all onshore courses are charged on the basis of the student’s citizenship. Please refer to Sponsorship Policy for more information.

4.2 SOT’s census date is the 5th of the month. The SOT Student Support Executive will send a reminder to all students who have not made payment by this date.

4.3 Students with outstanding fees or other payments will not be issued their graduation certificates and/or academic transcripts.


5.1 All forms and records should be retained for archival purposes, or for a minimum of five years, whichever is longer. This is consistent with CHC’s document retention policy.