Sponsorship Policy


1.1 The policy outlines the criteria and procedures regarding School of Theology (SOT) course sponsorship for students.


2.1 All SOT students.


3.1 As part of the school’s mission to train up pastors and leaders, especially from third world nations, SOT offers tuition fee subsidies as well as financial assistance for international students who are required to put up a security deposit as part of their Student’s Pass application. The tuition fee subsidies are applicable for all students who meet the qualifying criteria.

3.2 SOT does not offer scholarships to cover living or other expenses.

3.3 Tuition Fee Subsidies (For Onshore Courses)

3.3.1 Category A students are students from the following countries:

(1) Singapore (including Singapore Permanent Residents),

(2) Taiwan,

(3) South Korea,

(4) Japan,

(5) Hong Kong,

(6) Australia,

(7) New Zealand,

(8) Europe,

(9) North America,

(10) And other developed countries.

3.3.2 Category B students are students from countries not listed in Category A.

3.3.3 SOT offers a subsidised rate for all Category B students. The monetary amount of the tuition fee subsidy offered is at the discretion of the Principal, based on SOT’s annual budget exercise.

3.4 Security Deposit (For Onshore International Students)

3.4.1 SOT offers sponsorship to international students who are required by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority to provide a security deposit as part of their Student’s Pass requirements. The administrative cost to set up this deposit will also be borne by SOT for qualifying students.


4.1 All forms and records should be retained for archival purposes, or for a minimum of five years, whichever is longer. This is consistent with CHC’s document retention policy.

Sponsorship Interview Form Retention Period: Till student graduates