Complaint & Grievance Resolution Policy


1.1 The policy outlines the approach of the School of Theology’s (SOT) to resolving a complaint or grievance involving any person who is a bona fide visitor, prospective student, enrolled student or member of staff.


2.1 All SOT courses.


3.1 SOT is committed to providing an effective complaints and grievances management system which prioritises the welfare of those involved. SOT ensures:

3.1.1 transparent, ethical, and timely procedures for addressing complaints, grievances and appeals;

3.1.2 equality and fairness to all parties, without prejudicial treatment;

3.1.3 protection of privacy and reputation of all parties involved;

3.1.4 the right of all parties to have a support person present during meetings;

3.1.5 accordance with current legal requirements;

3.1.6 independent review of a decision determined in response to a grievance;

3.1.7 administering without charge to a bona fide grievant;

3.1.8 adherence to the ethos of integrity, probity and social justice as embodied in its mission statement;

3.1.9 due process in investigation and resolution.

3.2 Definitions

3.2.1 Academic decision or action: a decision/action made by a SOT staff member that is directly related to a student’s academic progress in his/her course of study. This may include, but is not restricted to: an issue arising from progression in a course of study, academic supervision, academic freedom, ethical practice, ministry practicum performance, quality of feedback from faculty or course workload. In the case of disputed assessment grades, the student should refer to the Assessment Policy.

3.2.2 Non-academic decision or action: a decision/action made by a SOT staff member that is not directly related to a student’s academic assessment or progress in his/her course of study. It may include, but is not limited to: customer service and administration, marketing and information, facilities, fees/finance related matters, welfare.

3.2.3 Authorised Officer: Any relevant SOT staff member who may be approached at any time in relation to the policy, process and implications of making a complaint or grievance.

3.2.4 Senior Officer: If a grievance escalates, the next most senior officer becomes the point of contact regarding that grievance. This may include, but is not limited to, a Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Students or Principal.

3.2.5 Vexatious Complaint: complaints or grievances which are considered without merit, malicious or already resolved.

3.2.6 Complaint: a minor problem or concern which may have arisen from a lack of, or unclear, communication.

3.2.7 Grievance: a major problem or concern for which the complainant is seeking an official resolution.

3.3 General feedback and comment from applicants and students about administration, academic programs and services will not be treated by SOT as a complaint or grievance unless action or a response is required.

3.4 Staff complaints and grievances, as well as complaints of unlawful discrimination, harassment or bullying by staff and students are outside the scope of this policy, and will be dealt with in accordance to Whistle-blowing Policy. The person reporting will be provided with protection from reprisals for whistle-blowing. The church will not tolerate harassment or victimisation and will take action to protect anyone who raises a concern in good faith about a reportable incident, even if the concern is later proved to be unsubstantiated.


4.1 The following principles guide the complaint and grievance resolution procedures:

4.1.1 Resolution will be handled informally where possible and appropriate.

4.1.2 Complaints and grievances will be addressed as close as possible to the source of dissatisfaction.

4.1.3 Where an individual remains dissatisfied with the decision, s/he is entitled to continue to the next step in the procedures, providing new or additional information is provided to support the case. It is not sufficient to simply disagree with the decision.

4.1.4 The complaint or grievance must be lodged in writing within 10 working days of the day of event or decision.

4.1.5 The process of resolution is to commence within 10 working days of lodgement.

4.1.6 The complainant will receive a decision within 20 working days of receipt of the application or such other extended time as the relevant Authorised Officer may reasonably authorise.

4.1.7 A student’s enrolment will be maintained while the appeal process is ongoing.

4.1.8 The complainant will not suffer any reprisal as a result of lodging a grievance or an appeal.

4.1.9 A student who lodges a vexatious complaint will have it dismissed or considered as academic misconduct.

4.1.10 A complainant attending a meeting associated with resolving a complaint or grievance may be accompanied by a support person. This person must not be a legal representative or a currently practicing solicitor or barrister.

4.1.11 The Complaints and Grievances Register records are retained for a minimum period of five years.

4.1.12 A complainant may choose to have their grievance reviewed by an external complaint handling process. In this situation, SOT will not continue further consideration of matters where the process options have been exhausted or where the student has taken their grievance to an external agency.

4.2 The process flowchart for the resolution of all complaints and grievances is outlined below:

4.3 Step 1: Informal Resolution

4.3.1 Any complaint that alleges or involves the abuse of a vulnerable person is reported immediately to the Principal and/or management board.

4.3.2 An individual who has a complaint of grievance should, where possible, discuss this with the relevant SOT staff member, who will deal with the issue promptly and, where possible, offer the individual a full explanation of the reasons for the academic or non-academic decision/action.

4.3.3 If the staff member addressing the complaint has a conflict of interest situation, the staff member should refer the complainant to the relevant Authorised Officer.

4.3.4 The majority of complaints should be resolved at this stage.

4.4 Step 2: Formal Resolution by Authorised Officer

4.4.1 If the complaint has not been resolved, the complainant may lodge a formal complaint by completing the online Complain form, including any supporting documentation. This form will be reviewed by the relevant Authorised Officer (which is usually the supervisor of the staff member involved in the complaint). Where the complaints involve another student, the Authorised Officer is the Dean of Students.

4.4.2 The Authorised Officer will address the complainant’s concerns promptly, and provide to the complainant a full explanation in writing of the reasons for the decision.

4.4.3 A report will be recorded by the Authorised Officer on the Register of Complaints and Grievances.

4.4.4 An academic decision or action will be reported to the Dean of Academic Affairs and Principal.

4.4.5 A non-academic decision or action will be reported to the appropriate Head of Department.

4.5 Step 3: Formal Outcome Resolution by Senior Officer

4.5.1 If the complainant’s concerns still cannot be resolved, and if the Authorised Officer is satisfied that there is a basis for further escalation, the grievance will then be directed to the relevant Senior Officer. If the Authorised Officer is satisfied prima facie that there is no basis to a grievance, the officer notifies the grievant accordingly in writing and the grievance is deemed to have lapsed. If so requested by the grievant, the Authorised Officer provides a detailed and reasoned explanation.

4.5.2 In order to reach an agreed resolution, the Senior Officer may conduct separate interviews, convene conciliation meetings or request relevant information.

4.5.3 The Senior Officer will provide to the student a full explanation in writing of the reasons for the decision.

4.5.4 The Senior Officer retains final responsibility for any decision regarding an appeal.

4.5.5 If the Senior Officer is the relevant SOT staff member referred to in Step 1, or the relevant Authorised Officer referred to in Step 2, the Dean of Academic Affairs or the Principal will handle the grievance.

4.5.6 The Senior Officer will advise the complainant in writing of the decision and the reasons for the decision.

4.5.7 A report will be submitted on the relevant Register of Complaints and Grievances.

4.5.8 An academic decision or action will be tabled at Quality Assurance Committee.

4.5.9 A non-academic decision or action will be reported to the appropriate Head of Department.

4.6 Step 4: Appeal to Ombudsman

4.6.1 International students who wish to lodge an external appeal or complaint about the decision resulting from Steps 1 to 3 above can contact the Overseas Students Ombudsman. The Overseas Students Ombudsman offers a free and independent service for overseas students who have a complaint or want to lodge an external appeal about a decision made by their private education provider. See the Overseas Students Ombudsman website for more information.

4.6.2 The student and SOT will be bound by the decision of the ombudsman and such decisions are final and non-reviewable. While the parties attempt to resolve the matter the student will continue to attend classes as normal unless the student has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to his or her health and safety.


5.1 The Dean of Students is responsible for implementing this policy.


6.1 All forms and records should be retained for archival purposes, or for a minimum of five years, whichever is longer. This is consistent with CHC’s document retention policy.